Creating your custom iterator

To start, you need your own mod folder inside "\Rain World\RainWorld_Data\StreamingAssets\mods"

Create a new file in it and call it "oracle.json"

Paste in this starter template:

        "id": "CustomOracle",
        "roomId": "SU_C04",
        "cornerPositions": [
                {"x": 10, "y": 33},
                {"x": 38, "y": 33},
                {"x": 38, "y": 3},
                {"x": 10, "y": 3}

Optionally, you can also start with the [pre-made template](IteratorKit/sampleMod at 7a0dd0052acd02d7c8ab6bf3de2fde5dc02b2f8e · Twofour2/IteratorKit · GitHub). Keep in mind this iterator spawns in a different room than the one above.

Load up the game with the mod enabled and travel to the starter room for Monk and Survivor (SU_C04). Your new iterator will be located at the start of this room and look something like this:

Odds are your iterator will faceplant straight into the nearest wall. Outskirts isn't a friendly place for iterators! At this point you'll want to build a nice iterator can. This mod also provides a template room (SU_ai) for you to get started and test your iterator. You will need to use the warp menu mod to get there.

Once you're in the AI room, open the dev tools and press the zero key. This allows you to respawn right back in the current room. Press "R" to reload the cycle and the mod will update to reflect changes you have made to your oracle.json file.

Basic Options

id: Short unique identifier for your iterator

roomId: Room name for your iterator to spawn in

startPos: Tile X and Y coordinates for your iterator to start at

Player Relationship

This controls what score will trigger the oracleAnnoyed and oracleAngry events. You need to use events such as playerAttack to add/subtract from this score.

"annoyedScore": 10,
"angryScore": 0,
"friendScore": 20


type: Either normal or sitting

Normal makes the iterator move similarly to Five Pebbles, where as Sitting makes them sit in place like LTTM. Use startPos to control this position.

Color Customization

Here RGB(A) values go from 0-255
HSL uses 0-360 degrees for H and 0-100 for S and L

 "id": "CustomOracle",
 "body": {
    "oracleColor": {
        "r": 239, "g": 209, "b": 74
    "gown": { 
        "color": {
            "type": "gradient",
            "from": {
                "h": 270, "s": 108, "l": 108
            "to": {
                "h": 288, "s": 151, "l": 144
    "sigil": null,
    "eyes": {"r": 0, "g": 0, "b": 0, "a": 255}

The following components are also able to be recolored with RGB values:

eyes, torso, neck, head, chin, feet


Note that the base game iterators just use the shadows on the back wall, the rings are actually invisible. If you want it to look like normal use the default option.

  "body" : {
      "halo": {
          "innerRing": {"r": 255, "g": 0, "b": 0}
          "outerRing": {"r": 0, "g": 255, "b": 0}
      OR just use empty brackets for the default halo
      "halo": {

Room Effects

Currently the only pearl style supported is pebbles.
swarmers will spawn neuron flies.

    "roomEffects" : {
        "swarmers": 10,
        "pearls": "pebbles"


To provide a custom sigil you'll need to create a custom asset in the format rainworld expects it to be in. This mod provides and example folder sprites. Copy this into the root of your mod and modify the image. Change the file names of both files from "oracleCM" to "oracle[YOUR ORACLE ID]". Do the same in the text file so it points to the correct image file.

Use the file name in the sprite parameter as shown below.

"sigil": {
    "sprite": "sunSigil",
    "r": 255, "g": 0, "b": 0

Dialogs and cutscenes

See the events document